Jean-Michel Jarre: "Creators globally look to Europe for leadership on authors' right"
06/02/2018 - 05:27

In a letter addressed to Members of the European Parliament on 5 February, CISAC President Jean-Michel Jarre and Vice-Presidents Angelique Kidjo, Marcelo Piñeyro and Miquel Barceló say that 'creators globally look to Europe for leadership on authors' right'.

They say that '[i]n particular, Europe now has a chance to address the "transfer of value" or "value gap" which is caused by loopholes in the law allowing some of the world's largest digital platforms to deny fair remuneration to millions of creators.'

Reminding MEPs that thousands of creators already voiced their concern about this issue, they now send their 'own message of encouragement' to ensure that the Copyright Directive reaches its full potential.

Read the full letter here

The letter was forwarded to MEPs by:

  • CISAC - The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers – is the world’s leading network of authors’ societies (also referred to as Collective Management Organisations, or CMOs). With 240 member societies in 123 countries, CISAC represents over four million creators from all geographic regions and artistic repertoires including music, audiovisual, drama, literature and visual arts.
  • GESAC - Founded in 1990, the European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers (GESAC) comprises authors' societies from across the European Union, Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland. As such, we represent more than 1 million creators and rights holders in the areas of musical, audiovisual, visual arts, and literary and dramatic works. More information at